연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 대학원생 구두발표 (I)
발표장 제9회장 (106)
논문코드 1O9-5
발표일 2018-10-11
발표시간 14:30-14:45
논문제목 Graphene Bubble Based Plesiohedral Cellular Network for Ultralight, Strong, and Superelastic Materials
발표자 오민준
발표자 소속 성균관대학교
저자 오민준, 여선주1, 전현민, 이민환2, 배중건2, 김예슬, 박경진, 이승우3, Daeyeon Lee4, 원병묵, 이원보2, 권석준1, 유필진
소속 성균관대학교; 1KIST; 2서울대학교; 3고려대학교; 4University of Pennsylvania
논문초록 The organization of well-controlled three-dimensional (3D) structures from individual building blocks such as graphene nanosheet or carbon nanotube has scientific and technological importance since it can impart advanced physical properties compared to their bulk counterparts. In particular, for a number of practical applications including electrode, supercapacitor, sensor, fluid absorber, energy damping, thermal insulator and catalysis, it is essential to fabricate well-defined 3D graphene structures with high surface area. While progress toward creation 3D porous graphene materials, previous efforts have placed severe restrictions on their wide-spread utilization because it is hard to create regularized and ordered structures with controlled dimensions, shapes, and morphologies. To overcome these challenges, multiphasic fluid mixtures such as emulsions droplets and bubbles have been investigated as alternative templates for generating well-defined 3D structures.